Mental Health and The Christian Mind with Nick Griemsmann

Nick Griemsmann from and author to the books, “Defeating Mental Illness” and “Becoming God’s Friend” shares with us his life struggles that include childhood trauma, addictions, surviving a cult, struggling with identity, and spending time in and out of mental hospitals. He tells us how he overcame Paranoid Schizophrenia to ultimately receive a clean bill of mental health, and now serving in ministry!

Given the situation in the world over this past few years, many people including believers have been overtaken by mental illness, emotional struggles, and suicide. During these times, it is important to be aware of how the process works, how to avoid falling into the traps and how to position yourself for better things.

In our discussion, we speak about how mental illness affects Christian believers, how formulas for healing never seem to work, what role your identity plays in overcoming these battles, and what steps you can take, on multiple levels, to take better care of yourself mentally, spiritually and physically to keep your mind healthy and renewed.

Join us for a conversation that needs to be heard!


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Millian Quinteros

Follower of Jesus, husband, father and healing minister. I am your ministry provocateur, iconoclast, firebrand, and resident heretic here at Dominion Fire in Las Vegas, Nevada. I teach people how to minister healing, walk in power and think outside of the box. I am a multimedia content creator, podcast host, youtube vlogger and I work to be the expert at disseminating the digital revelations all around the world. And, by the way...Boom Goes Yeshua!

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