Lisa Perna is the host of the Touched by Prayer Internet Radio Talk Show. Lisa joins us today to talk about the inspiration for her program, what lessons she has learned...
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Dave Aaron of Welcome Mat Kingdom joins us today to tell his story about amazing healing miracles he has seen while driving a taxi. He had seen healing involving metal...
In the interview, we discuss Aspen's history and early exposure to the spirit realm, subsequent mental illness situations, and revelation of a seer ability, which...
Big changes to our world, our country, our way of life and everything we may think or believe, are coming soon. In this vlog, I speak a somewhat prophetic message about...
When our ministry team at Dominion Fire meets, many of the new people always ask for hands-on demonstrations and examples of how to minister in the street and the...
In the followup to yesterdays video, "Bend without Breaking," I give you the other side of the package, with how to cope through the trials and be joyous while in the...
Trials will come, and sometimes you need to go into a defensive shell to hold down the fort. In this vlog, I mostly ramble about what has been going on as of late, share...
Blake Healy, author to the book, "The Veil" joins us today to answer questions about seeing into the spiritual realm, and what lessons we can learn. Blake was born with...
The Gifts! Some of the most misunderstood things of the Bible. Jesus knew how to tailor a message to His audience, and used what was needed, at the correct time, in the...
Today we visited the famous Las Vegas sign on the south end of the Strip, near Mandalay Bay where the recent shooting attack took place. In the aftermath of the events...